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Graphical User Interface for Dynamic Range Controller

A GUI needs to be developed for Dynamic Range Controller (DRC) component in the Graphical Development Environment (GDE) for TAS3108. GDE is a s/w development tool for TAS3108 family of DSPs.


Following are the high-level requirements

1. GUI needs to be developed in C/C++-language or its derivative.

2. GUI needs to work with and in GDE environment.

3. GUI needs to work in Windows XP and Windows 2000 environment.

4. GUI's look and feel needs to be similar to GDE.

5. A source code version control system must be used.

6. An error management system is required. Visibility to TI is desirable.

7. Basic knowledge of audio signals is required. Basic knowledge of digital signal processing is desirable.

1. Complete documented source code needs to be delivered to TI at the

end of project and at agreed milestone releases. Each milestone

release package should contain release configuration information for

all the tools and libraries used for building the release and

instructions and environment setup to build bit-exact executables. 2.

Bi-weekly software releases are required and should be accompanied

with release notes describing configuration used in the release, new

features and known issues and limitations. Each software release

should contain installation package and instructions and configuration

information for all the tools and libraries required to install the

software release.

3. Mock-up screen shots or prototype GUIs

4.High-level design document. 5. Release test report for each release.

Following items would be provided by TI :

1. Requirements for GUI.

2. GDE Executables including example GUI

3. Interface description and guidelines for interfacing GUI with GDE.

4. TAS3108 EVM Hardware and any associated custom cables (To be returned to TI after completion of Project)

All responses should include the following :

2. Total duration of the project in work weeks

3. Starting Date

4. Date of completion

5. Release plan that includes release contents

6. Overview of the software development process that is going to be followed

7. Error management system that is going to be used.

8. Coding style that is going to be used.

9. Resumes of the key project member(s)

18 лет назад
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