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Получил блок на SBL листе. Сервер (DigitalOcean) предполагает что дело в вордпрессе. 

Нужно залогинится на вордпресс. Установить все плагины / последние версии и тд. (сейчас когда пробую внести изменения в настройки выдает ошибки и изменения не вносятся..) + установить плагин Wordfence. 

Полная рекомендация от сервера ниже (если что какие то момены могу перевести):

In order to resolve this, the first step you'll want to take is to ensure that the Wordpress base install is current and updated, and all the themes and plug-ins are also updated. Please keep in mind that, in some cases, even if the plug-in or theme is the most current version it can still be vulnerable if the plug-in hasn't been updated in some time or of the software itself has been abandoned.

Also, even plugins and themes that are not active can be used to compromise your site - Wordpress stores everything in directories that are accessible through the web server, so someone scanning for a particular plugin or theme that's compromisable can access them. You'll want to make sure that even inactive themes and plugins are updated or deleted from the site.

Once you've got everything updated, you're going to want to stop then start apache or php-fpm - whichever is handling running PHP scripts for you. This needs to be a 'stop' then 'start' command as a restart often only functions as a reload - it updates the configuration file and settings, but does not kill processes that are currently running in memory.

Then, after that's done, you need to change the passwords for ALL users that have access to log in with administrator rights through the wp-admin login. Users that do not have the ability to do anything but make posts may not need their passwords changed, but once a site has been compromised, it's best to change everything.

Now that we've resolved the malware, there's some steps I'd recommend to harden the site so that this doesn't reoccur. The big one will be to disable xml-rpc - this is the vulnerability used in MOST bruteforce attacks, as well as several other issues Wordpress has had in the past. You can visit http://do.co/1YlMFy8 for several methods you can use to block access and prevent this from being an issue in the future.

Additionally, I would recommend that you install Wordfence - this is an application-level firewall that does a fantastic job of preventing an enormous amount of attacks and potential exploits, as well as security scanning and several other security improvements. This is a plug-in for Wordpress, and you can find it at https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/

This should both resolve the issue, secure your site, and hopefully prevent future occurrences of this problem.

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