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Joomla 1.6.4

шаблон yoo_quantum 1.0.7 последняя версия (yootheme)

галерея sigplus

при открытии фото в lightbox эффекте возникает наложение изображения шаблона на фото в firefox, chrome

в internet explorer все отображается корректно

см приложенный файл

C сайта поддержки sigplus:

The lightbox or slider engine behaves in a strange way.

Please ensure that your page does not load multiple instances of the JavaScript library jQuery. jQuery is not designed to seamlessly cooperate with other instances of itself and may cause sigplus or other extensions to behave in peculiar ways. When triggered, sigplus inspects if a jQuery version of a least 1.4 is loaded and does not load its own version unless necessary. However, some extensions are known to unconditionally load jQuery even if a previous instance has been loaded, and if they are triggered after sigplus, you end up with two instances of jQuery: one included by sigplus and one by the other extension. This can be especially troublesome if multiple different versions are loaded (e.g. 1.3 and 1.4). jQuery is (mostly) backwards-compatible: it is sufficient to load the latest of the versions the extensions need.

If you use a system plug-in that loads jQuery by default, you can turn off sigplus jQuery autodetection and automatic inclusion: on the sigplus configuration page in the administration back-end, open the Advanced parameters panel and set AJAX library source to none. From then on, sigplus will depend on the system plug-in providing the necessary jQuery version: make sure the system plug-in is enabled and uses jQuery version at least 1.4 or sigplus might break.

Only part of the images in the slider is displayed, the rest is covered.

Especially if this problem manifests itself in some browsers but not in others or with one template but not others, it is likely an interoperability problem between sigplus and your template client-side scripts. sigplus computes the width and height of the image slider when the page loads (more specifically, in a domready event handler). This is when the structure of the page as well as style information such as margin, border and padding around images becomes available to scripts. As the slider width and height depends on the width and height of images (including margin, border and padding), the slider cannot be initialized sooner than the page loads. If some other script, however, is executed before the sigplus initialization script, and sets different values to image width and height or any of the containers that are part of the gallery, sigplus will use these newly assigned values. This can have undesired effects. The solution is to postpone the execution of these other scripts, which are usually injected by the template, until the sigplus slider initializes. This can be accomplished by rearranging the template scripts or wrapping some template scripts in a domready event handler; the exact solution depends on the particular template.

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