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We are looking for developer who have following knowledge:

1 Standards

The developed software must be compliant with the following Standards:

• Programming language............................. ANSI C (inclusive POSIX extensions)

• Threading.................................................. POSIX 1003.1c-1995

• Operating system platform.........................POSIX, UNIX98

• Database abstraction layer........................ unixODBC

2 Target Platforms

The targeted platform for development and runtime are:

• Compiler.................................................... GNU C Compiler (gcc)

• Linker......................................................... Standard linker of operation system

• Operating systems..................................... AIX 5L

Linux i386 (RHEL4, Debian 4.x, SuSE 10.x)

Linux x86_64 (RHEL4, Debian 4.x, SuSE 10.x)

Solaris 10

*BSD i386 (NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

*BSD x86_64 (NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

• DBMS........................................................ DB2 UDB 8.x and 9.x

MySQL 4.x and 5.x

Oracle 9i and 10g

• "Internal bookkeeping system"...................Berkeley DB 4.x

3. Design Targets

The software must be designed for long time running background processes with a minimum of used

resources. This includes efficient and intelligent memory handling, ability of suspending and resuming of

implemented threads and an optimized CPU usage.

Because of efficiency reasons the C programming language was chosen.

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