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We need to develop an online calendar builder including Gregorian and Hebrew details.

The calendar can consist of 1 page or many pages depending on the style.

The landing page is existing, it’s just necessary to integrate the required calendar functionality.

Need ability for user to selects type of calendar

Need ability for user to view and select template.

Need ability for admin to add templates.

Need ability for user to fill / select location, based on which data from API is fetched

Need ability for user to select pictures and select the position on the page / move them.

Need ability for user to upload pictures and and select the position on the page /move them.

Need ability for user to add text blocks and select the position on the page /move it.

Need ability for user to add form blocks and select the position on the page / move it.

Need ability for user to select background color of text block

Need ability for user to select background color of form block

Need ability for user to select color or text

Need ability to adjust the fetched times using setting, like -15min.

The calendar should be generated as a high resolution pdf file ready for professional printery.

Preview of the calendar will be shown to customer

User can fill up form and submit request.

We need to implement also payment module, to get payment by order submitting.

The generated pdf calendar should be stored on the server and there should be possibility to download it.

3 года назад
44 годаРоссия
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