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Here is the perl script project.

Basically they want to clean up the XML

because it is not compliant. After cleaning with the perl script, the

document should be readable with any RSS 2.0 newsreader.

Within the perl script, grab rss news feed (xml document) from the following

URL (using LWP or some kind of module in perl) - we are using perl 5.8.3

(you can use any CPAN module that you need)


1. Delete all extra blank lines.

2. Search and replace special characters with equivalent ASCII codes. The

following characters are non-ASCII (they come from Microsoft word). In this

case, they want the resulting XML to contain only ASCII characters. This

list may not be complete but we should be able to add to it (also maybe

there is a module already that performs this function).

Quotation Marks (both close quotes and open quotes),

Apostrophes ('')



3. remove any HTML coding (for example)

4. Remove all html comments

Только perl!! В приват ничего писать не надо, указывайте все в заявке

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