Найдите исполнителя для вашего проекта прямо сейчас!
Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.

Самопис. вёрстка и натяжка+ доработка самой цмс. требуется знание английского языка.  http://www.itrisinajumi.lv/

Itegrate new website design (from designer drawings) and modification cms.



The source will be available under the contract.

Create additional two languages on the site.

Extend the region of the interactive map (from Latvia to the Baltics) and Calendar.


1. Membership profile1.1. Authentication1.2. Members list of events and CRUD1 operations1.3. List of member objects (Castles and Manor) and CRUD operations (need add access create membe

2. Administration section2.1. Members List and CRUD Operations2.2. Event List and CRUD Operations2.3. Newsletter and CRUD operations2.4. List of objects (Castles and Manor) and CRUD operations

3. Public section3.1. Basic information about the Promotion3.2. News section (Summary and separate News view)3.3. Events section (Overview of the calendar and a separate View of the event)3.4. List of Objects (Castles and Manor Houses)3.5. Separate view of the object (Castle or Manor) (full information)3.6. Interactive map section - google or openstreetmaps map with castles and manors

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