Mobile Developer Android/iOS

Android Skills

Native Android (Java), JDK, Kotlin

  • Core skills: OOP, Design Patterns, Java, XML, SQL, JSON, XML, Gradle, IDE
  • Component Tools: Eclipse, Intellij Idea, Android Studio, Android SDK, Genymotion, AVD;
  • Databases: SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Realm Database;
  • Technologies stack: REST(retrofit, okhttp), Firebase, Crashlytics, Google analytics, Dependency Injection (Dagger 2), RxJava2, Google services, Social networks sdk (vkontakte, facebook, odnoklassniki), Payment System(Stripe);
  • Patterns: MVC, MVP, MVVM, Singleton, Observer, LiveData, DataBinding;
  • Version Control System: GIT (GitHub, Bitbucket);
  • Others: Virtual machines, Augmented reality, In-App purchases, Virtual Reality (Nibiru SDK), Material Design;

iOS Skills

Objective-C, Swift, Xcode, iOS SDK;
  • Core skills: OOP, Cocoa Touch, UIKit, Core Foundation, MapKit, Localization,
  • IB and AutoLayout, REST API and JSON integration, CocoaPods, EventKit, Grand Central Dispatch, AFNetworking;
  • SDKs: Flurry, Facebook, Twitter, VK, Youtube, Crashlytics;
  • Google APIs: Google Map, Calendar api, FireBase, Analytics Api;
  • Databases: SQLite, MySQL;
  • Version control: GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucked;
  • Patterns: MVC, MVP, Singleton, Observer;
  • Other: Push notifications, Remote notifications, Location (GPS, network, Google maps), Home Screen Widgets;